

Posted on October 30, 2020

Hiring or Dating?

In any organization, no matter the industry, size, location or culture, the people you hire are absolutely key to your company’s success. It’s unbelievable that companies get it so wrong when it comes to something so critical as hiring. They get it wrong because they are not seeing the hiring process in the right light. The hiring process is one that should be viewed in a way . . . like dating.

Think about when you start dating. You create an image in your mind about who will be a good fit for you, your lifestyle, your family and friends and your long-term plan. Hiring is not so different. When a company is looking to make a hire, they are looking for someone to fit their company and culture, their long-term plan for the position and the right skill set. The two are so similar, yet so many companies make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Like in dating, when you come across someone who you have “interest” in, you engage in conversation, a.k.a. interviewing. There needs to be a series of pleasant conversations that follow for the process to continue. It’s important to think about all of the factors that go into the process when someone is about to take a new job (or get into a serious relationship). Is their family on board? Will their work-life balance be impacted? Financially, are they going to be able to maintain their current lifestyle? Will they have to move? If so, what will the housing situation look like?

There are so many parts that go into a hire – similar to the dating process – that we have to keep in mind as hiring managers. Typically, it’s not just the candidate that is impacted by this new job; it’s an entire family.  It is something to be considered if you want to successfully get the right people on board.

The solution is simple. It cannot just be all business anymore in the employment climate we are in. There has to be a personal touch, a connection between client and candidate, in order for a successful hire.

So, what do you do? You talk to candidates about why they would be a good fit for your company culture. You point out how you can improve their professional growth paths by what your company can offer. You have to sell YOURSELF and your team. Trust me, if you can wrap your head around the similarities between hiring and dating, you can be assured that you will be able to land that stud candidate and never be left waiting at the altar.